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assignedHoststringResource id of the dedicated host, on which the virtual machine is allocated through automatic placement, when the virtual machine is associated with a dedicated host group that has automatic placement enabled. Minimum api-version: 2020-06-01.
bootDiagnosticsobjectThe instance view of a virtual machine boot diagnostics.
computerNamestringSpecifies the host OS name of the virtual machine. <br><br> This name cannot be updated after the VM is created. <br><br> Max-length (Windows): 15 characters <br><br> Max-length (Linux): 64 characters. <br><br> For naming conventions and restrictions see Azure infrastructure services implementation guidelines.
disksarrayThe disks information.
extensionsarrayThe extensions information.
hyperVGenerationstringThe hypervisor generation of the Virtual Machine [V1, V2]
maintenanceRedeployStatusobjectMaintenance Operation Status.
osNamestringThe Operating System running on the hybrid machine.
osVersionstringThe version of Operating System running on the hybrid machine.
placementGroupIdstringThe placement group in which the VM is running. If the VM is deallocated it will not have a placementGroupId.
platformFaultDomainintegerThe Fault Domain count.
platformUpdateDomainintegerThe Update Domain count.
rdpThumbPrintstringThe Remote desktop certificate thumbprint.
statusesarrayThe resource status information.
vmAgentobjectThe instance view of the VM Agent running on the virtual machine.
vmHealthobjectThe health status of the VM.


NameAccessible byRequired Params
getSELECTinstanceId, resourceGroupName, subscriptionId, vmScaleSetName