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idstringResource Id
namestringResource name
locationstringResource location
propertiesobjectProperties of the dedicated host.
skuobjectDescribes a virtual machine scale set sku. NOTE: If the new VM SKU is not supported on the hardware the scale set is currently on, you need to deallocate the VMs in the scale set before you modify the SKU name.
tagsobjectResource tags
typestringResource type


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECThostGroupName, hostName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdRetrieves information about a dedicated host.
list_by_host_groupSELECThostGroupName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdLists all of the dedicated hosts in the specified dedicated host group. Use the nextLink property in the response to get the next page of dedicated hosts.
create_or_updateINSERThostGroupName, hostName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionId, data__skuCreate or update a dedicated host .
deleteDELETEhostGroupName, hostName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdDelete a dedicated host.
_list_by_host_groupEXEChostGroupName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdLists all of the dedicated hosts in the specified dedicated host group. Use the nextLink property in the response to get the next page of dedicated hosts.
redeployEXEChostGroupName, hostName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdRedeploy the dedicated host. The operation will complete successfully once the dedicated host has migrated to a new node and is running. To determine the health of VMs deployed on the dedicated host after the redeploy check the Resource Health Center in the Azure Portal. Please refer to for more details.
restartEXEChostGroupName, hostName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdRestart the dedicated host. The operation will complete successfully once the dedicated host has restarted and is running. To determine the health of VMs deployed on the dedicated host after the restart check the Resource Health Center in the Azure Portal. Please refer to for more details.
updateEXEChostGroupName, hostName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdUpdate a dedicated host .