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idstringResource Id
namestringResource name
locationstringResource location
propertiesobjectProperties of the Capacity reservation.
skuobjectDescribes a virtual machine scale set sku. NOTE: If the new VM SKU is not supported on the hardware the scale set is currently on, you need to deallocate the VMs in the scale set before you modify the SKU name.
tagsobjectResource tags
typestringResource type
zonesarrayAvailability Zone to use for this capacity reservation. The zone has to be single value and also should be part for the list of zones specified during the capacity reservation group creation. The zone can be assigned only during creation. If not provided, the reservation supports only non-zonal deployments. If provided, enforces VM/VMSS using this capacity reservation to be in same zone.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTcapacityReservationGroupName, capacityReservationName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdThe operation that retrieves information about the capacity reservation.
list_by_capacity_reservation_groupSELECTcapacityReservationGroupName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdLists all of the capacity reservations in the specified capacity reservation group. Use the nextLink property in the response to get the next page of capacity reservations.
create_or_updateINSERTcapacityReservationGroupName, capacityReservationName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionId, data__skuThe operation to create or update a capacity reservation. Please note some properties can be set only during capacity reservation creation. Please refer to for more details.
deleteDELETEcapacityReservationGroupName, capacityReservationName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdThe operation to delete a capacity reservation. This operation is allowed only when all the associated resources are disassociated from the capacity reservation. Please refer to for more details.
_list_by_capacity_reservation_groupEXECcapacityReservationGroupName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdLists all of the capacity reservations in the specified capacity reservation group. Use the nextLink property in the response to get the next page of capacity reservations.
updateEXECcapacityReservationGroupName, capacityReservationName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdThe operation to update a capacity reservation.