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kindstringTopology kind.
propertiesobjectDescribes the properties of a pipeline topology.
skuobjectThe resource model definition representing SKU


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTaccountName, pipelineTopologyName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdRetrieves a specific pipeline topology by name. If a topology with that name has been previously created, the call will return the JSON representation of that topology.
listSELECTaccountName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdRetrieves a list of pipeline topologies that have been added to the account, if any, along with their JSON representation.
create_or_updateINSERTaccountName, pipelineTopologyName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionId, data__kind, data__skuCreates a new pipeline topology or updates an existing one, with the given name. A pipeline topology describes the processing steps to be applied when processing content for a particular outcome. The topology should be defined according to the scenario to be achieved and can be reused across many pipeline instances which share the same processing characteristics.
deleteDELETEaccountName, pipelineTopologyName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdDeletes a pipeline topology with the given name. This method should be called after all instances of the topology have been stopped and deleted.
_listEXECaccountName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdRetrieves a list of pipeline topologies that have been added to the account, if any, along with their JSON representation.
updateEXECaccountName, pipelineTopologyName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdUpdates an existing pipeline topology with the given name. If the associated live pipelines or pipeline jobs are in active or processing state, respectively, then only the description can be updated. Else, the properties that can be updated include: description, parameter declarations, sources, processors, and sinks.