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NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTaccountName, livePipelineName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdRetrieves a specific live pipeline by name. If a live pipeline with that name has been previously created, the call will return the JSON representation of that instance.
listSELECTaccountName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdRetrieves a list of live pipelines that have been created, along with their JSON representations.
create_or_updateINSERTaccountName, livePipelineName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdCreates a new live pipeline or updates an existing one, with the given name.
deleteDELETEaccountName, livePipelineName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdDeletes a live pipeline with the given name.
_listEXECaccountName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdRetrieves a list of live pipelines that have been created, along with their JSON representations.
activateEXECaccountName, livePipelineName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdActivates a live pipeline with the given name.
deactivateEXECaccountName, livePipelineName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdDeactivates a live pipeline with the given name.
updateEXECaccountName, livePipelineName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdUpdates an existing live pipeline with the given name. Properties that can be updated include: description, bitrateKbps, and parameter definitions. Only the description can be updated while the live pipeline is active.