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idstringResource ID of the Storage Target.
namestringSchema for the name of resources served by this provider. Note that objects will contain an odata @id annotation as appropriate. This will contain the complete resource id of the object. These names are case-preserving, but not case sensitive.
locationstringRegion name string.
propertiesobjectProperties of the Storage Target.
systemDataobjectMetadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
typestringType of the Storage Target; Microsoft.StorageCache/Cache/StorageTarget


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTcacheName, resourceGroupName, storageTargetName, subscriptionIdReturns a Storage Target from a cache.
list_by_cacheSELECTcacheName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdReturns a list of Storage Targets for the specified cache.
create_or_updateINSERTcacheName, resourceGroupName, storageTargetName, subscriptionIdCreate or update a Storage Target. This operation is allowed at any time, but if the cache is down or unhealthy, the actual creation/modification of the Storage Target may be delayed until the cache is healthy again.
deleteDELETEcacheName, resourceGroupName, storageTargetName, subscriptionIdRemoves a Storage Target from a cache. This operation is allowed at any time, but if the cache is down or unhealthy, the actual removal of the Storage Target may be delayed until the cache is healthy again. Note that if the cache has data to flush to the Storage Target, the data will be flushed before the Storage Target will be deleted.
_list_by_cacheEXECcacheName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdReturns a list of Storage Targets for the specified cache.
dns_refreshEXECcacheName, resourceGroupName, storageTargetName, subscriptionIdTells a storage target to refresh its DNS information.
restore_defaultsEXECcacheName, resourceGroupName, storageTargetName, subscriptionIdTells a storage target to restore its settings to their default values.