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identityobjectManaged Identity properties.
locationstringThe geo-location where the resource lives
propertiesobjectProperties of the AML file system.
skuobjectSKU for the resource.
tagsobjectResource tags.
zonesarrayAvailability zones for resources. This field should only contain a single element in the array.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTamlFilesystemName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdReturns an AML file system.
listSELECTsubscriptionIdReturns all AML file systems the user has access to under a subscription.
list_by_resource_groupSELECTresourceGroupName, subscriptionIdReturns all AML file systems the user has access to under a resource group.
create_or_updateINSERTamlFilesystemName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdCreate or update an AML file system.
deleteDELETEamlFilesystemName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdSchedules an AML file system for deletion.
_listEXECsubscriptionIdReturns all AML file systems the user has access to under a subscription.
_list_by_resource_groupEXECresourceGroupName, subscriptionIdReturns all AML file systems the user has access to under a resource group.
aml_filesystemsEXECsubscriptionIdGet the number of available IP addresses needed for the AML file system information provided.
archiveEXECamlFilesystemName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdArchive data from the AML file system.
cancel_archiveEXECamlFilesystemName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdCancel archiving data from the AML file system.
updateEXECamlFilesystemName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdUpdate an AML file system instance.