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aadLicensestringThe Azure Active Directory license of the tenant.
aadPremiumbooleanIndicate if the tenant has Azure Active Directory Premium license or not.
agentAutoUpdatebooleanIndicates if the tenant is configured to automatically receive updates for Azure Active Directory Connect Health client side features.
alertSuppressionTimeInMinsintegerThe time in minutes after which an alert will be auto-suppressed.
consentedToMicrosoftDevOpsbooleanIndicates if the tenant data can be seen by Microsoft through Azure portal.
countryLetterCodestringThe country letter code of the tenant.
createdDatestringThe date, in UTC, when the tenant was onboarded to Azure Active Directory Connect Health.
devOpsTtlstringThe date and time, in UTC, till when the tenant data can be seen by Microsoft through Azure portal.
disabledbooleanIndicates if the tenant is disabled in Azure Active Directory Connect Health.
disabledReasonintegerThe reason due to which the tenant was disabled in Azure Active Directory Connect Health.
globalAdminsEmailarrayThe list of global administrators for the tenant.
initialDomainstringThe initial domain of the tenant.
lastDisabledstringThe date and time, in UTC, when the tenant was last disabled in Azure Active Directory Connect Health.
lastVerifiedstringThe date and time, in UTC, when the tenant onboarding status in Azure Active Directory Connect Health was last verified.
onboardedbooleanIndicates if the tenant is already onboarded to Azure Active Directory Connect Health.
onboardingAllowedbooleanIndicates if the tenant is allowed to onboard to Azure Active Directory Connect Health.
pksCertificateobjectThe certificate associated with the tenant to onboard data to Azure Active Directory Connect Health.
privatePreviewTenantbooleanIndicates if the tenant has signed up for private preview of Azure Active Directory Connect Health features.
tenantIdstringThe Id of the tenant.
tenantInQuarantinebooleanIndicates if data collection for this tenant is disabled or not.
tenantNamestringThe name of the tenant.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTGets the details of a tenant onboarded to Azure Active Directory Connect Health.
addINSERTOnboards a tenant in Azure Active Directory Connect Health.
updateEXECUpdates tenant properties for tenants onboarded to Azure Active Directory Connect Health.