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activeAlertsintegerThe total number of alerts that are currently active for the server.
additionalInformationstringThe additional information, if any, for the server.
addsRolesarrayThe list of ADDS roles.
createdDatestringThe date time , in UTC, when the server was onboarded to Azure Active Directory Connect Health.
dcTypesarrayThe list of domain controller types.
dimensionsarrayThe server specific configuration related dimensions.
disabledbooleanIndicates if the server is disabled or not.
disabledReasonintegerThe reason for disabling the server.
domainNamestringThe domain name.
gcReachablebooleanIndicates if the global catalog for this domain is reachable or not.
installedQfesarrayThe list of installed QFEs for the server.
isAdvertisingbooleanIndicates if the Dc is advertising or not.
lastDisabledstringThe date and time , in UTC, when the server was last disabled.
lastRebootstringThe date and time, in UTC, when the server was last rebooted.
lastServerReportedMonitoringLevelChangestringThe date and time, in UTC, when the server's data monitoring configuration was last changed.
lastUpdatedstringThe date and time, in UTC, when the server properties were last updated.
machineIdstringThe id of the machine.
machineNamestringThe name of the server.
monitoringConfigurationsComputedarrayThe monitoring configuration of the server which determines what activities are monitored by Azure Active Directory Connect Health.
monitoringConfigurationsCustomizedarrayThe customized monitoring configuration of the server which determines what activities are monitored by Azure Active Directory Connect Health.
osNamestringThe name of the operating system installed in the machine.
osVersionstringThe version of the operating system installed in the machine.
pdcReachablebooleanIndicates if the primary domain controller is reachable or not.
propertiesarrayServer specific properties.
recommendedQfesarrayThe list of recommended hotfixes for the server.
resolvedAlertsintegerThe total count of alerts that are resolved for this server.
rolestringThe service role that is being monitored in the server.
serverReportedMonitoringLevelstringThe monitoring level reported by the server.
serviceIdstringThe service id to whom this server belongs.
serviceMemberIdstringThe id of the server.
siteNamestringThe site name.
statusstringThe health status of the server.
sysvolStatebooleanIndicates if the SYSVOL state is healthy or not.
tenantIdstringThe tenant id to whom this server belongs.


NameAccessible byRequired Params
listSELECTisGroupbySite, nextPartitionKey, nextRowKey, serviceName
_listEXECisGroupbySite, nextPartitionKey, nextRowKey, serviceName