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identityobjectA class represent managed identities used for request and response
kindstringThe kind of the service
locationstringThe geo-location where the resource lives
propertiesobjectA class that describes the properties of the resource
skuobjectThe billing information of the resource.
tagsobjectResource tags.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTresourceGroupName, resourceName, subscriptionIdGet the resource and its properties.
list_by_resource_groupSELECTresourceGroupName, subscriptionIdHandles requests to list all resources in a resource group.
list_by_subscriptionSELECTsubscriptionIdHandles requests to list all resources in a subscription.
create_or_updateINSERTresourceGroupName, resourceName, subscriptionIdCreate or update a resource.
deleteDELETEresourceGroupName, resourceName, subscriptionIdOperation to delete a resource.
_list_by_resource_groupEXECresourceGroupName, subscriptionIdHandles requests to list all resources in a resource group.
_list_by_subscriptionEXECsubscriptionIdHandles requests to list all resources in a subscription.
check_name_availabilityEXEClocation, subscriptionId, data__name, data__typeChecks that the resource name is valid and is not already in use.
regenerate_keyEXECresourceGroupName, resourceName, subscriptionIdRegenerate the access key for the resource. PrimaryKey and SecondaryKey cannot be regenerated at the same time.
restartEXECresourceGroupName, resourceName, subscriptionIdOperation to restart a resource.
updateEXECresourceGroupName, resourceName, subscriptionIdOperation to update an exiting resource.