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capabilitiesobjectThe integration runtime capabilities dictionary
concurrentJobsLimitintegerMaximum concurrent jobs on the integration runtime node.
expiryTimestringThe time at which the integration runtime will expire in ISO8601 format.
hostServiceUristringURI for the host machine of the integration runtime.
isActiveDispatcherbooleanIndicates whether this node is the active dispatcher for integration runtime requests.
lastConnectTimestringThe most recent time at which the integration runtime was connected in ISO8601 format.
lastEndUpdateTimestringThe last time for the integration runtime node update end.
lastStartTimestringThe time the node last started up.
lastStartUpdateTimestringThe last time for the integration runtime node update start.
lastStopTimestringThe integration runtime node last stop time.
lastUpdateResultstringThe result of the last integration runtime node update.
machineNamestringMachine name of the integration runtime node.
maxConcurrentJobsintegerThe maximum concurrent jobs in this integration runtime.
nodeNamestringName of the integration runtime node.
registerTimestringThe time at which the integration runtime node was registered in ISO8601 format.
statusstringStatus of the integration runtime node.
versionstringVersion of the integration runtime node.
versionStatusstringStatus of the integration runtime node version.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTintegrationRuntimeName, nodeName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionId, workspaceNameGet an integration runtime node
deleteDELETEintegrationRuntimeName, nodeName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionId, workspaceNameDelete an integration runtime node
updateEXECintegrationRuntimeName, nodeName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionId, workspaceNameCreate an integration runtime node