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idstringId of the resource.
namestringName of the resource.
propertiesobjectDescribes the properties of a communication resource.
typestringType of the resource 'Microsoft.Support/communications'.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTcommunicationName, subscriptionId, supportTicketNameReturns communication details for a support ticket.
listSELECTsubscriptionId, supportTicketNameLists all communications (attachments not included) for a support ticket. <br/></br> You can also filter support ticket communications by CreatedDate or CommunicationType using the $filter parameter. The only type of communication supported today is Web. Output will be a paged result with nextLink, using which you can retrieve the next set of Communication results. <br/><br/>Support ticket data is available for 18 months after ticket creation. If a ticket was created more than 18 months ago, a request for data might cause an error.
createINSERTcommunicationName, subscriptionId, supportTicketNameAdds a new customer communication to an Azure support ticket.
_listEXECsubscriptionId, supportTicketNameLists all communications (attachments not included) for a support ticket. <br/></br> You can also filter support ticket communications by CreatedDate or CommunicationType using the $filter parameter. The only type of communication supported today is Web. Output will be a paged result with nextLink, using which you can retrieve the next set of Communication results. <br/><br/>Support ticket data is available for 18 months after ticket creation. If a ticket was created more than 18 months ago, a request for data might cause an error.
check_name_availabilityEXECsubscriptionId, supportTicketName, data__name, data__typeCheck the availability of a resource name. This API should be used to check the uniqueness of the name for adding a new communication to the support ticket.