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idstringThe resource identifier.
namestringThe resource name.
etagstringThe Etag field is not required. If it is provided in the response body, it must also be provided as a header per the normal ETag convention.
locationstringThe resource location.
propertiesobjectThe properties of an IoT hub.
skuobjectInformation about the SKU of the IoT hub.
systemDataobjectMetadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
tagsobjectThe resource tags.
typestringThe resource type.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTapi-version, resourceGroupName, resourceName, subscriptionIdGet the non-security related metadata of an IoT hub.
list_by_resource_groupSELECTapi-version, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdGet all the IoT hubs in a resource group.
list_by_subscriptionSELECTapi-version, subscriptionIdGet all the IoT hubs in a subscription.
create_or_updateINSERTapi-version, resourceGroupName, resourceName, subscriptionId, data__skuCreate or update the metadata of an Iot hub. The usual pattern to modify a property is to retrieve the IoT hub metadata and security metadata, and then combine them with the modified values in a new body to update the IoT hub. If certain properties are missing in the JSON, updating IoT Hub may cause these values to fallback to default, which may lead to unexpected behavior.
deleteDELETEapi-version, resourceGroupName, resourceName, subscriptionIdDelete an IoT hub.
_list_by_resource_groupEXECapi-version, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdGet all the IoT hubs in a resource group.
_list_by_subscriptionEXECapi-version, subscriptionIdGet all the IoT hubs in a subscription.
check_name_availabilityEXECapi-version, subscriptionId, data__nameCheck if an IoT hub name is available.
export_devicesEXECapi-version, resourceGroupName, resourceName, subscriptionId, data__excludeKeys, data__exportBlobContainerUriExports all the device identities in the IoT hub identity registry to an Azure Storage blob container. For more information, see:
import_devicesEXECapi-version, resourceGroupName, resourceName, subscriptionId, data__inputBlobContainerUri, data__outputBlobContainerUriImport, update, or delete device identities in the IoT hub identity registry from a blob. For more information, see:
test_all_routesEXECapi-version, iotHubName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdTest all routes configured in this Iot Hub
test_routeEXECapi-version, iotHubName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionId, data__routeTest the new route for this Iot Hub
updateEXECapi-version, resourceGroupName, resourceName, subscriptionIdUpdate an existing IoT Hub tags. to update other fields use the CreateOrUpdate method