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identityobjectManaged service identity (either system assigned, or none)
locationstringThe geo-location where the resource lives
propertiesobjectThe properties of an IoT Central application.
skuobjectInformation about the SKU of the IoT Central application.
tagsobjectResource tags.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTapi-version, resourceGroupName, resourceName, subscriptionIdGet the metadata of an IoT Central application.
list_by_resource_groupSELECTapi-version, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdGet all the IoT Central Applications in a resource group.
list_by_subscriptionSELECTapi-version, subscriptionIdGet all IoT Central Applications in a subscription.
create_or_updateINSERTapi-version, resourceGroupName, resourceName, subscriptionId, data__skuCreate or update the metadata of an IoT Central application. The usual pattern to modify a property is to retrieve the IoT Central application metadata and security metadata, and then combine them with the modified values in a new body to update the IoT Central application.
deleteDELETEapi-version, resourceGroupName, resourceName, subscriptionIdDelete an IoT Central application.
_list_by_resource_groupEXECapi-version, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdGet all the IoT Central Applications in a resource group.
_list_by_subscriptionEXECapi-version, subscriptionIdGet all IoT Central Applications in a subscription.
check_name_availabilityEXECapi-version, subscriptionId, data__nameCheck if an IoT Central application name is available.
check_subdomain_availabilityEXECapi-version, subscriptionId, data__nameCheck if an IoT Central application subdomain is available.
updateEXECapi-version, resourceGroupName, resourceName, subscriptionIdUpdate the metadata of an IoT Central application.