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idstringResource Id.
namestringResource name.
eTagstringeTag of the resource. To handle concurrent update scenario, this field will be used to determine whether the user is updating the latest version or not.
propertiesobjectThe properties of the view.
typestringResource type.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTviewNameGets the view by view name.
listSELECTLists all views by tenant and object.
list_by_scopeSELECTscopeLists all views at the given scope.
create_or_updateINSERTviewNameThe operation to create or update a view. Update operation requires latest eTag to be set in the request. You may obtain the latest eTag by performing a get operation. Create operation does not require eTag.
deleteDELETEviewNameThe operation to delete a view.
delete_by_scopeDELETEscope, viewNameThe operation to delete a view.
_listEXECLists all views by tenant and object.
_list_by_scopeEXECscopeLists all views at the given scope.
create_or_update_by_scopeEXECscope, viewNameThe operation to create or update a view. Update operation requires latest eTag to be set in the request. You may obtain the latest eTag by performing a get operation. Create operation does not require eTag.
get_by_scopeEXECscope, viewNameGets the view for the defined scope by view name.