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locationstringResource location.
propertiesobjectThe JSON object that contains the properties required to create an endpoint.
tagsobjectResource tags.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTendpointName, profileName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdGets an existing CDN endpoint with the specified endpoint name under the specified subscription, resource group and profile.
list_by_profileSELECTprofileName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdLists existing CDN endpoints.
createINSERTendpointName, profileName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdCreates a new CDN endpoint with the specified endpoint name under the specified subscription, resource group and profile.
deleteDELETEendpointName, profileName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdDeletes an existing CDN endpoint with the specified endpoint name under the specified subscription, resource group and profile.
_list_by_profileEXECprofileName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdLists existing CDN endpoints.
load_contentEXECendpointName, profileName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionId, data__contentPathsPre-loads a content to CDN. Available for Verizon Profiles.
purge_contentEXECendpointName, profileName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionId, data__contentPathsRemoves a content from CDN.
startEXECendpointName, profileName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdStarts an existing CDN endpoint that is on a stopped state.
stopEXECendpointName, profileName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdStops an existing running CDN endpoint.
updateEXECendpointName, profileName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdUpdates an existing CDN endpoint with the specified endpoint name under the specified subscription, resource group and profile. Only tags can be updated after creating an endpoint. To update origins, use the Update Origin operation. To update origin groups, use the Update Origin group operation. To update custom domains, use the Update Custom Domain operation.
validate_custom_domainEXECendpointName, profileName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionId, data__hostNameValidates the custom domain mapping to ensure it maps to the correct CDN endpoint in DNS.