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idstringThe ID of the resource.
namestringThe name of the resource.
etagstringThe ETag of the resource, used for concurrency statements.
propertiesobjectProperties of an application package
typestringThe type of the resource.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTaccountName, applicationName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionId, versionNameGets information about the specified application package.
listSELECTaccountName, applicationName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdLists all of the application packages in the specified application.
createINSERTaccountName, applicationName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionId, versionNameCreates an application package record. The record contains a storageUrl where the package should be uploaded to. Once it is uploaded the ApplicationPackage needs to be activated using ApplicationPackageActive before it can be used. If the auto storage account was configured to use storage keys, the URL returned will contain a SAS.
deleteDELETEaccountName, applicationName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionId, versionNameDeletes an application package record and its associated binary file.
_listEXECaccountName, applicationName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdLists all of the application packages in the specified application.
activateEXECaccountName, applicationName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionId, versionName, data__formatActivates the specified application package. This should be done after the ApplicationPackage was created and uploaded. This needs to be done before an ApplicationPackage can be used on Pools or Tasks.