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creationTimestringGets or sets the creation time of the test job.
endTimestringGets or sets the end time of the test job.
exceptionstringGets or sets the exception of the test job.
lastModifiedTimestringGets or sets the last modified time of the test job.
lastStatusModifiedTimestringGets or sets the last status modified time of the test job.
logActivityTraceintegerThe activity-level tracing options of the runbook.
parametersobjectGets or sets the parameters of the test job.
runOnstringGets or sets the runOn which specifies the group name where the job is to be executed.
startTimestringGets or sets the start time of the test job.
statusstringGets or sets the status of the test job.
statusDetailsstringGets or sets the status details of the test job.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTautomationAccountName, resourceGroupName, runbookName, subscriptionIdRetrieve the test job for the specified runbook.
createINSERTautomationAccountName, resourceGroupName, runbookName, subscriptionIdCreate a test job of the runbook.
resumeEXECautomationAccountName, resourceGroupName, runbookName, subscriptionIdResume the test job.
stopEXECautomationAccountName, resourceGroupName, runbookName, subscriptionIdStop the test job.
suspendEXECautomationAccountName, resourceGroupName, runbookName, subscriptionIdSuspend the test job.