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idstringResource Id.
namestringResource Name.
kindstringKind of resource.
propertiesobjectResourceHealthMetadata resource specific properties
typestringResource type.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
listSELECTsubscriptionIdDescription for List all ResourceHealthMetadata for all sites in the subscription.
list_by_resource_groupSELECTresourceGroupName, subscriptionIdDescription for List all ResourceHealthMetadata for all sites in the resource group in the subscription.
list_by_siteSELECTname, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdDescription for Gets the category of ResourceHealthMetadata to use for the given site as a collection
list_by_site_slotSELECTname, resourceGroupName, slot, subscriptionIdDescription for Gets the category of ResourceHealthMetadata to use for the given site as a collection
_listEXECsubscriptionIdDescription for List all ResourceHealthMetadata for all sites in the subscription.
_list_by_resource_groupEXECresourceGroupName, subscriptionIdDescription for List all ResourceHealthMetadata for all sites in the resource group in the subscription.
_list_by_siteEXECname, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdDescription for Gets the category of ResourceHealthMetadata to use for the given site as a collection
_list_by_site_slotEXECname, resourceGroupName, slot, subscriptionIdDescription for Gets the category of ResourceHealthMetadata to use for the given site as a collection
get_by_siteEXECname, resourceGroupName, subscriptionIdDescription for Gets the category of ResourceHealthMetadata to use for the given site
get_by_site_slotEXECname, resourceGroupName, slot, subscriptionIdDescription for Gets the category of ResourceHealthMetadata to use for the given site