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idstringResource ID.
namestringResource name.
etagstringETag of the resource.
identityobjectIdentity properties of the Api Management service resource.
locationstringResource location.
propertiesobjectProperties of an API Management service resource description.
skuobjectAPI Management service resource SKU properties.
systemDataobjectMetadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
tagsobjectResource tags.
typestringResource type for API Management resource is set to Microsoft.ApiManagement.
zonesarrayA list of availability zones denoting where the resource needs to come from.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTresourceGroupName, serviceName, subscriptionIdGets an API Management service resource description.
listSELECTsubscriptionIdLists all API Management services within an Azure subscription.
list_by_resource_groupSELECTresourceGroupName, subscriptionIdList all API Management services within a resource group.
create_or_updateINSERTresourceGroupName, serviceName, subscriptionId, data__location, data__properties, data__skuCreates or updates an API Management service. This is long running operation and could take several minutes to complete.
deleteDELETEresourceGroupName, serviceName, subscriptionIdDeletes an existing API Management service.
_listEXECsubscriptionIdLists all API Management services within an Azure subscription.
_list_by_resource_groupEXECresourceGroupName, subscriptionIdList all API Management services within a resource group.
apply_network_configuration_updatesEXECresourceGroupName, serviceName, subscriptionIdUpdates the Microsoft.ApiManagement resource running in the Virtual network to pick the updated DNS changes.
backupEXECresourceGroupName, serviceName, subscriptionId, data__backupName, data__containerName, data__storageAccountCreates a backup of the API Management service to the given Azure Storage Account. This is long running operation and could take several minutes to complete.
check_name_availabilityEXECsubscriptionId, data__nameChecks availability and correctness of a name for an API Management service.
migrate_to_stv2EXECresourceGroupName, serviceName, subscriptionIdUpgrades an API Management service to the Stv2 platform. For details refer to This change is not reversible. This is long running operation and could take several minutes to complete.
restoreEXECresourceGroupName, serviceName, subscriptionId, data__backupName, data__containerName, data__storageAccountRestores a backup of an API Management service created using the ApiManagementService_Backup operation on the current service. This is a long running operation and could take several minutes to complete.
updateEXECresourceGroupName, serviceName, subscriptionIdUpdates an existing API Management service.