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Creates, updates, deletes, gets or lists a reservations_details resource.




idstringThe full qualified ARM ID of an event.
namestringThe ID that uniquely identifies an event.
etagstringThe etag for the resource.
propertiesobjectThe properties of the reservation detail.
tagsobjectResource tags.
typestringResource type.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
listSELECTresourceScopeLists the reservations details for provided date range. Note: ARM has a payload size limit of 12MB, so currently callers get 400 when the response size exceeds the ARM limit. If the data size is too large, customers may also get 504 as the API timed out preparing the data. In such cases, API call should be made with smaller date ranges or a call to Generate Reservation Details Report API should be made as it is asynchronous and will not run into response size time outs.
list_by_reservation_orderSELECT$filter, reservationOrderIdLists the reservations details for provided date range. Note: ARM has a payload size limit of 12MB, so currently callers get 400 when the response size exceeds the ARM limit. If the data size is too large, customers may also get 504 as the API timed out preparing the data. In such cases, API call should be made with smaller date ranges or a call to Generate Reservation Details Report API should be made as it is asynchronous and will not run into response size time outs.
list_by_reservation_order_and_reservationSELECT$filter, reservationId, reservationOrderIdLists the reservations details for provided date range. Note: ARM has a payload size limit of 12MB, so currently callers get 400 when the response size exceeds the ARM limit. If the data size is too large, customers may also get 504 as the API timed out preparing the data. In such cases, API call should be made with smaller date ranges or a call to Generate Reservation Details Report API should be made as it is asynchronous and will not run into response size time outs.

SELECT examples

Lists the reservations details for provided date range. Note: ARM has a payload size limit of 12MB, so currently callers get 400 when the response size exceeds the ARM limit. If the data size is too large, customers may also get 504 as the API timed out preparing the data. In such cases, API call should be made with smaller date ranges or a call to Generate Reservation Details Report API should be made as it is asynchronous and will not run into response size time outs.

FROM azure.consumption.reservations_details
WHERE resourceScope = '{{ resourceScope }}';